Ben Shephard, a beloved TV presenter, recently shared his health secrets as he celebrated his 50th birthday on December 11. Known for his energetic presence on ITV’s This Morning and Tipping Point, Shephard has been open about his fitness journey and the lifestyle changes he has implemented while navigating this milestone.

In a recent Instagram Q&A, he revealed his go-to breakfast choice: porridge enhanced with protein powder. He emphasizes the importance of a nutritious breakfast, stating, “I get some porridge and I will add protein powder.” Alongside this, he enjoys a simple cup of black coffee, providing a warm and energizing start to his day.

Porridge is not only a comforting breakfast choice but also a budget-friendly option. A 1kg bag of Aldi’s Everyday Essential Porridge Oats costs approximately 90p, translating to just 9p per bowl. This high-fiber meal helps keep you full, supports weight management, and provides steady energy, thanks to its wealth of magnesium and vitamin B6.

Nutrition experts from the British Heart Foundation note that porridge oats are whole grains, rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that can lower cholesterol levels when consumed daily as part of a balanced diet. Eating whole grains like porridge is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and stroke.

When preparing porridge with protein powder, it’s recommended to dissolve the protein in water before mixing it with the cooked oats to avoid unwanted textures. Increasing your protein intake can help curb hunger by reducing the production of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates appetite, while boosting hormones that signal fullness.

While porridge and protein can support weight loss efforts, they are most effective when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Ben Shephard’s manageable breakfast choice serves as a reminder that health and fitness can be enjoyable and sustainable, even amidst our busy lives.

Ben Shephard's 9p Superfood Breakfast: The Key to Staying Fit at 50

Source: The Mirror