In a recent video released by NASA, astronaut Sunita Williams, currently stationed on the International Space Station (ISS), addressed rumors regarding her unexpected weight loss during her five-month mission in space. Williams has been living and working alongside fellow astronaut Barry Wilmore, and their well-being has drawn the attention of many in light of recent photos showing her looking notably thinner.
Williams explained that the changes in her physique are attributed to a phenomenon known as “fluid shift.” In space, blood and fluids tend to redistribute throughout the body due to the absence of gravity, which can create the illusion of weight loss. “There are a lot of changes that go on up here. I think rumors are circulating that I’m losing weight. I’m actually the same weight I was when I got up here,” Williams clarified in the video.
Furthermore, she emphasized that despite the challenges of life in space, both she and Wilmore have maintained their fitness through various exercises. “Butch and I have been up here for several months. We’ve been using our workout gear, which includes a bike, treadmill, and weightlifting equipment,” Williams mentioned. She noted that incorporating weightlifting into their routine—a practice she doesn’t regularly engage in on Earth—has noticeably changed her body composition, resulting in stronger legs and a more toned physique.
To counteract the detrimental effects of weightlessness on muscle and bone density, Williams and Wilmore regularly engage in activities that promote physical health, such as squats and treadmill workouts. “We’re doing everything we can to maintain our bone density and muscle mass in our hips and feet, which is crucial during our extended stay,” she added.
Williams and Wilmore have been on the ISS since June, with their scheduled return pushed back to February 2025 due to complications with the Boeing Starliner, the spacecraft they arrived on. What began as a brief five-day journey has turned into a significant adventure for the astronauts in orbit.
Source: Men’s Journal